As we prepare for this life-changing voyage to Africa, let us take time to reflect on the biological/ physical needs of our bodies. With a holistic approach, I humbly offer this compilation of information in how we can take care of our body/temple and enhance our overall immunity.

In addition, for participants and parents who wish to take immunization shots and tablets, they can be ordered from your local County Health Department through the travel nurse.

The Immune System

The immune system is the part of our body that recognizes viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and foreign bodies and signals the brain to activate immune processes. It includes the thymus, spleen, lymphatic system, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones. Each element works in harmony with other elements of our bodies in order to keep us healthy.

Supporting your immune system may help with everything from frequent colds to arthritis to cancer. In our travels, our physical health will help our ability to mentally and spiritually grow as we Return Home.

Daily Advice – Before, during, and after your journey home

Eat colorful meals regularly. Enjoy as many fresh fruits and vegetables as you can. The more different colors, the more variety of nutrients you’ll digest.

Drink water all day. At least 8 – 16 oz glasses throughout the day.

Rest your mind and body. Get solid rest (5-8 hrs per night) that in a quite space- no radio and no TV to infect your dreams! Careful not to oversleep.

Set your biological clock to that of the sun. Wake up at sunrise and go to sleep soon after sunset.

Exercise! Walk, run, stretch, swim, or dance till you break a sweat at least 2-3 times a week. Be mindful of your posture and how you carry yourself. Walk with your body; don’t drag it along like a burden.

Avoid excess stress, from internal or external forces, mentally, physically, emotionally, environmentally, communally, etc. Stress can compromise your immune system. 

 Breath. Use this life force to help keep you centered. Breath fully and breath deeply.

 Affirm the positive through prayer, mediation, visualization and word/sound. 

Nutritional Support – Before during and after your journey home

In addition to a well rounded fresh food diet, the following are a number of herbs and supplements that can enhance our immunity. Garlic, Vit. C, Charcoal, Pau D’Arco and Echinacea are, in my humble estimation, the most important for us to consume while in Africa. Tea tree oil is a multi use oil good for scratches, fungus, bites and repelling mosquitoes. Citronella is good for that as well.

NOTE: This is not a prescription! Please consult your own body to know what’s good for you. You may also talk to your family about your genetic medical history and/or your medical or naturopathic doctor. 

Garlic: helps to fortify the immune system and supports circulation in the body. Available fresh, cooked, juiced, or in capsule form, ingesting large amounts of this daily will help reduce the instances of mosquitoes biting while in Liberia. For overall health, I recommend that you consume at least a clove of garlic each day. Studies suggest that you can get similar benefits from cooked garlic -- if you first let it sit out a while after peeling. When garlic is peeled an enzyme called allinase begins a series of chemical reactions that create beneficial health effects. If you take garlic extract in liquid form, a recommended serving is 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon mixed with fruit or vegetable juice, twice daily with meals. As for garlic capsules, take 1 to 3 capsules daily, depending on your level of free-radical exposure.

Vitamin C: When you need extra immune support, I recommend you take 500 to 1,000 milligrams every 2 hours. Even without the onset of a flu or cold, I personally take 2,000 mg of C each day, along with bioflavonoids and other synergistic nutrients like vitamin E. When Vitamin C is taken with zinc, propolis and elderberry extract, a good daily maintenance dose is 100 mg.

Pau d/arco Pau d'arco is an incredibly versatile herb with antibiotic, antifungal, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties. This herb has been used with candida and other fungal problems, staph infections, viral infections including herpes, and skin problems including eczema and psoriasis. Historically it was used to treat leukemia, diabetes, and cancer. Available in an extracted tincture, capsules and/or in tea form.

Charcoal  Charcoal is used to relieve painful pressure caused by excess gas in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, and indigestion. Take as directed by the label with a full glass of water. DO NOT mix with other medicines as it binds to 

them and reduces their effectiveness. To or benefit, It also binds to poisonous subtanse and carries them out of the body. 

Purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia): helps increase certain responses of the immune system. Powdered echinacea capsules can be found in most health food stores (recommended dosages are given on the product labels). You can obtain some of the best results with echinacea by using the liquid plant extracts -- for adults five to 10 drops in 1/4 cup of water taken five times daily is generally recommended). Note: Certain individuals don't seem to benefit from echinacea, including hyperactive persons, those who are extremely sensitive to environmental pollutants and chemicals, and AIDS patients. 

Tea tree Oil: Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic, germicide, antibacterial, fungicide. Many people use tea tree oil for: athletes footcold and fluoral thrush, cold sores & canker sores, tooth ache & gum infections, ringworm, candida, head lice or lousecleanser additive, gum problems, mosquito bites, bug repellentcockroaches, deter flees, mouth ulcers, herpes, cuts, abrasions, after shave, sunburn, anorectal or vaginal yeast infections, unwanted body odors, acne, toe nail infections, and many other uses. 

Citronella Oil of Citronella is volatile, liquid oil derived from dried cultivated grasses. It works by repelling animals and insects without harming or killing them. It has a distinctive odor, which repels certain animals. It is available as a additive to sprays, lotions, candles, colloras, and tablets, as well as a pure extracted essential oil. 

Zinc: Promotes immune function. One 23-mg zinc gluconate lozenge every two wakeful hours after an initial double dose has been found to provide symptom relief. While the only side effect associated with zinc is its bad taste, this routine shouldn't be continued any longer than a week. Excessive zinc can eventually create a copper deficiency and weaken the immune system. The recommended daily dose for zinc when taken with vitamin C, propolis and elderberry extract is 10 mg.

Bee Propolis: Research shows that this waxy resin used by bees to waterproof their hives has immune enhancing properties. The recommended daily dose when taken with elderberry extract, zinc and vitamin C is 75 mg.

Elderberry Extract: The active ingredients in elderberries have been found to protect your cells from harmful invaders. I recommend taking 4 g daily of elderberry extract in conjunction with the Vitamin C, Propolis and Zinc.

 Vitamin A: Initial doses as high as 100,000 units daily can be very beneficial. The dose should then be dropped back to 10,000 to 25,000 IU daily to avoid problems with toxicity.

Turmeric (from root): has been used for centuries in India and China for a variety of health concerns, including boosting the immune system.

Grapefruit Seed Extract: Drinking three to four drops per 8 oz of water per day helps maintain immune system function. This extract is also a good remedy for cleansing your sinuses: 


First, in a clean sink or large saucer add 1/4 to 1/3 cup of salt to a quart of fairly hot water. Once the salt has dissolved, immerse your face in the water for five to 10 seconds; repeat this three or four times. Allow the water to run into your nose, but keep your mouth and eyes closed.


Follow the facial with a quick nasal rinse by adding a few drops of grapefruit seed extract to 1/2 cup of warm water. Cup a small amount of the water in the palm of your hand, and then lean over and gently "inhale" the water into your nasal passages. Do this two or three times before bed and first thing in the morning. You may momentarily feel a very slight tingling or burning sensation as the extract coats the nasal and sinus passages. Once it gets to these hard-to-reach areas, it can begin to eliminate the harmful irritants.

Shark cartilage: Long-time ALTERNATIVES readers know that I've written about the benefits of shark cartilage for years. Among its many beneficial properties, shark cartilage helps support your overall healthy immune system function. I recommend 100 mg daily.

Slippery Elm: This herb has mucus-eliminating properties and helps promote respiratory health. 20 mg daily is recommended.

 Peppermint powder: Helps support immune function. 17 mg a day is recommended.

Eucalyptus Oil: You can take 2 mg daily along with the other herbal immune boosters mentioned here.

Una de Gato/Cats Claw Many have experienced such wonderful results with una de gato that it is now considered equal, if not superior, to the world's foremost immune-fortifying herbs:  echinacea, golden seal, pau d'arco, garlic, and Siberian ginseng.  It has also been compared favorably with shark cartilage and caprylic acid.  It is particularly beneficial to the immune, digestive, and structural systems.

Remember to do your research and get in tune for what is right for you.

Be open to try new things and be ready to explore what is closest to NATURE.